Last night, my parents and I brought the kids to see "snow" in Celebration, FL. Now in Florida, snow is basically soap foam or bubbles blown from machines (see photo below), but the kids still love it. Celebration runs the event each year from Thanksgiving to New Year's. Carriage rides, Santa Claus, and more available for the fun!

You may have heard of Celebration in the past. It's a tiny town near Disney. Actually, it was set up as a Disney community, but today the company has removed it's name from the idea. It's a very pretty, quaint little area with beautiful homes and a "downtown" with a little splash park on the lake, a movie theater, ice cream shop, restaurants and shops. Celebration also hosts wonderful town gatherings (July 4th fireworks, Snow in December, etc).

If you are ever visiting Walt Disney World, you should take the short drive over to check it out. Here are a few photos from the Christmas celebration: