Princess Mimi can NOT wait for the new Disney movie, Princess and the Frog (December 11, 2009). And since it is set in New Orleans, I am super excited too! You can see a trailer on YouTube.com at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjtdl1a_Jqc.
Well, yesterday while cruising the toy aisles at Target, Mimi spotted the new Princess Tiana doll ($10.99)! She has six others and begged me to add this to the collection. Normally, I would have said, "Let's add it to our Santa list!" but it was the last one on the shelf and no more in the stock room, so I caved :)

This week at Disney World (and soon at DisneyLand) there is a little Princess Tiana Jubilee to promote the movie. You can read more here: